Crazy Cake

How to Play

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About the Game

The culinary craft is not to be taken lightly, even more so with THIS game!

So let's all jump aboard the CRAZY CAKE train to SABOTAGE!

Remember!  You don't just play ingredients on your cake, but your OPPONENT'S CAKE, too!!!
Part of the fun of "Sabotage" is knowing WHEN to use it.

"Empty!" lets you skip a baker's turn, but who's?
"Have You No Shame?" can squash a Sabotage attempt, but requires two spots in your hand.
And "Flip the Table!" is a double whammy!!!
You can get rid of a tier you hate and force the others to discard one, two...
but what if your opponent has a bad tier as well? Is it worth it?
Decisions, decisions...
In Crazy Cake - a friendly game of scrumptious sabotage.

Check out the full game rules here!

What's in the box?

19 Frosting Cards

20 Filling Cards

21 Cake Cards

18 Sabotage Cards

Featuring a cast of wacky, fun characters!

Designed by the awesome Julia Gattis and Tyler Aikey!

And because of our Kickstarter backers, each deck includes 8 new cards!  Including our two new Sabotage cards!

Choices, choices...

Getting close to the end...

Whether with family...

...Or with your friends...