Our Story
Hi, I'm Reed. I founded Be Game Social with my long-time friend James Yeamons.
A few years ago, while browsing YouTube, I got hooked on Will Wheaton's show Tabletop. I had grown up with board games, but I never knew just how intricate and diverse the world of tabletop gaming was. After several episodes, my creative juices started flowing, and I had a crazy thought: "Could I create my own?"
Then, in October 2019, James called me and asked if I had any ideas for a business. After a month of racking my brain, I remembered, "I have dozens of these game ideas on my computer. I wonder if I could actually bring them to life?"
Two years later, we have Be Game Social, LLC, and our first game, which was actually the first game to pop in my head: Crazy Cake!
Why did we choose "Be Game Social"?
We threw around a lot of names, but nothing really stuck. Then, one Sunday morning, James asked me, "If I asked you to 'be social', what would you say?"
"Make friends? Get to know people?"
"Be work social?"
"Make connections at work?"
"And to 'be game social'?"
And that's what it's all about, isn't it? Games bring people together. They give people a common ground, and a chance to spend quality time away from the cares of everyday life.
I will never forget what Will Wheaton said. To paraphrase, "This is why tabletop games are so much better than video games. When you play a video game, you look at a screen. When you play a board game, you look at each other." I was amazed at how, with just cutout pieces of plastic, cardboard, and paper, and their imaginations, players could get the same satisfaction as with millions of lines of code.
Thank you so much for your interest in us, and in Crazy Cake. I hope it will be just the first of many games to come.
Reed Nickell
Here we have Abby and Parker, who acted in our Kickstarter Video Skit!
They were great characters.
Crazy Cake started as a shoestring prototype, created in Microsoft Paint and stuck onto blank cards with stick glue.
Over a year later, and look how far we've come!
And we get to see the joy on our fans' faces as they share Crazy Cake with their family and friends.
Enjoy your own Crazy Cake adventure today!